MLS IrelandLtd 

Spinal Injuries


Spinal Injuries Support

Call us for expert advice and we will
arrange a meeting with our spinal consultant.

MLS Itreland Ltd Contact Us

Email us to discuss any details or feel free to call us 9-5pm Mon - Fri.

These pages build confidence in the visitor's mind that you really do 'exist' and that they are dealing with a 'genuine' person or business as opposed to an anonymous web site. This is particularly important if you are attempting to make sales, or capture e-mail addresses.

The format can be very simple as below, or might include a photograph, audio sample, even video, building the relationship with the visitor. Maps and directions can also be useful if you have a physical presence you wish to point out.


Contact Name:

Mr. Eddie Cooke

Contact Telephone: 02825 777777

